Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Anybody But Hillary

It won't be long now before she morphs into Atilla the Hen (with all that that entails). Again via the Kos:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is supporting new legislation to criminalize desecration of the United States flag _ though she still opposes a constitutional ban on flag attacks.

Clinton, D-N.Y., has agreed to co-sponsor a measure by Republican Sen. Bob Bennett of Utah, which has been written in hopes of surviving any constitutional challenge following a 2003 Supreme Court ruling on the subject.
This, of course, is nothing more than her seemingly never-ending and very tedious pandoring for some nebulous "moderate" bonifides, as if an increasingly angry progressive base will wink wink nudge nudge at it and give her the nomination in any event.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking Bill should divorce her!

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