Sunday, January 01, 2006

Adding To The Home Library

Borders has this cool little "3 for 2" bin and I was out browsing, or in as the case may be, on the last day of '05. Picked up the following:
  • Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
    Already read Slaughterhouse Five and Breakfast of Champions, oh so many years ago. This'd be the third leg of his top works.

  • When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops? - George Carlin
    Love Carlin's concerted effort to do his part in pissing off the Religious Wrong.
and speaking of which...
  • The End Of Faith - Sam Harris
    NYTimes Commentary: "The End of Faith articulates the dangers and absurdities of organized religion so fiercely and so fearlessly that I felt relieved as I read it, vindicated, almost personally understood."
And what the hey -- it was 3 for 2, right?

1 comment:

Naahm Deplume said...

Carlin? Vonnegut? So, you do have some disdain for the thought control, Wiffle Life philosophy of the left! (read 451 and Harrison Bergeron and try to tell me that Vonnegut was a raving leftie without a glaring libertarian stripe. Just Try! And anyone who would swear on the radio like Carlin isn't concerned with political correctness).