Wednesday, February 28, 2007

go cheney yourself... !

Glenn Greenwald in Salon:
"It is only a matter of time before Brit Hume and Matt Drudge begin hyping the scandal of how liberal bloggers were expressing dismay that Dick Cheney wasn't killed"...
and they'd be right...
... "and Howard Kurtz will write a drooling profile of the Blogging Warriors who exposed this scandal and join in with stern condemnation over how terrible it is that the Left is so filled with venom and rage. Maybe ABC News' Terry Moran can even join his right-wing-blogging brother again and chime in about all the terrible Hate Speech on the Left.
I'm sorry but we are talking about a war criminal, aren't we?

What, are we now supposed to reintroduce due process? Cuff him at the Naval Observatory and frog-march his wretched ass for an historic perp walk?

Why not render it to Camp X-Ray; or given his presumed station, the Hague?

America's Ratko Mladich, the fuck, to Dubya's Milosevich...

I'm beyond irony.

They're beyond irony.

The whole trial's out of order!!


Spared said...

I have to disagree with you on this one G. As much as the guy disgusts me, and I think Republican friends should offer to take him hunting more often, I don't want the guy dead. I certainly can't criticize him if I'm guilty of doing the same thing he does.

Barking Up Trees said...

you conflate the proactive w/the reactive... hundreds of thousands are dying as a consequence of his policies being implemented... he's a megalomanic and a sociopath... life is cheap to him...

but let me be clear: i never said i wanted him dead and wouldn't say so if i did... it is my suspicion, however, the world would be a better place...

Barking Up Trees said...

and to emphasize my latter point: "Why not render [his ass] to Camp X-Ray; or given his presumed station, the Hague?"

Spared said...

I conflate nothing. I simply point out that an eye for an eye leaves the world blind, my friend. It's how we got in this goddamn mess in the first place and frankly, the solution IS to impose due process. That is what the law is there for, he knows it works, that is why he wants to circumvent it. What you mock, is precisely what needs to happen. That was my point.

Barking Up Trees said...

i don't disagree... the ideal of being "better than that" is precisely that -- an ideal...

my preference is to perp walk the prick, try him before a jury of my peers -- not his, but then he thinks he has no peers...

and should he be found guilty of crimes against humanity, well, what is the penalty for that... ?

Spared said...

For crimes against humanity, I would sentence him to spend the rest of his pathetic days in solitary confinement with no chance of ever leaving prison. I don't think humanity is served by exercising the option of death over men who don't value life to begin with. If you want to punish someone like Cheney and his ilk, you take away what they value most: their power and their freedom.