Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Clueless Lieberman

Am betting to this day the junior Senator from Connecticut thinks it's solely because he supports open-ended occupation of Iraq as why the blogosphere is after his ass in the CT primary.

Here's the real reason:

However one reacts to this ruling, the issue here is that while Justice Scalia likes to puff himself an "originalist," the reality is that this decision not only reverses the Bill of Rights, prohibiting unreasonable searches, but also English common law and the doctrine of "knock and announce," which for eight centuries has mandated that police must identify themselves and wait a reasonable time before entering someone's home. . .

It's worth noting that this vote occurred because, though the case had previously been argued in January, it was re-argued after Sandra Day O'Connor left the Court. Replaced by Samuel Alito, the resulting vote was altered.
Lieberfuck, along with other "centrists" (read unprincipled sell-outs), voted for cloture on the Alito confirmation, then turned around and voted against Alito the next day knowing full well the cloture vote was the one that mattered and would confirm Alito's facist presence for the next 40 years.


Naahm Deplume said...

Don;t know who does your legal analysis, mon frere, but the warrant entry you describe has not been around for one century, let alone eight.

Now, I know that you and Kevin Eubanks are all in favor of the knock and wait rule. Gives you time to run to the potty. Also, gives the truly scary hoods time to lock and load. Now tell me that you can defend the latter (I know you can defend the former).

Naahm Deplume said...

Oh, and for the record, we aren't english, and common law is a default, when there is no other law (like a statute) on point.

Course, if you want english common law, we can all get together and ask the Queen real nice, like, if she will take us back. After seeing what we did to beer and soccer, I think she will say sod off.

Barking Up Trees said...

must be nice to be squeeky clean, counselor, but if you don't smell your civil liberties eroding by the minute...

oh wait... !! you WHITE!!!

eroding by the hour then...

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.