Headed for what she called 'conservative boot camp,' [she] grabbed the essentials: dress sandals, her Bible and The Politics of Prudence by Russell Kirk, the celebrated writer who a half-century ago gave the conservative movement its name.
Monday, July 31, 2006
neo hitler youth...
i always thought brown was an ugly color for a shirt...
Saturday, July 29, 2006
republican as mammal
california republican pete mcloskey:
It has been difficult, nevertheless, to conclude as I have, that the Republican House leadership has been so unalterably corrupted by power and money that reasonable Republicans should support Democrats against DeLay-type Republican incumbents in 2006.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
sauce for the goose and the gander...
arianna has a paragraph that got me thinking:
or did you actually think the soviet incursion into afghanistan in 1980 was unjust while our invasion of iraq, or the israeli collateral infliction on lebanese civilians, as just... ? see, that's why i'm agnostic: that kind of nationalist "logic" escapes me...
meanwhile, did you notice the soviets were at least smart enough to get the hell out... ?
Friedman's assertion about the pervasiveness of modern weaponry is born out by the Israeli general who told the New York Times that Hezbollah has "some of the best weapons systems that Iran and Syria have" -- including medium-range rockets, laser-guided antitank missiles, and well-designed explosive mines that can cripple an advance tank. The group has more than 10,000 rockets, including Iranian-made long range missiles capable of hitting Tel Aviv.of course, that we're the world's biggest dealer in arms and advanced weaponry, our getting hoisted by our own petard as russia & china return the favor of the cold war is, on an imperical if not patriotic level, poetic justice... we armed osama to the teeth with SAM technology in the early 80s to neutralize the soviet air-superiority in and around kabul, allowing the mujahadeen to bleed the red army, just as the iraqi insurgency is bleeding g.i. joe in baghdad and the hezbollah will bleed the israelis in lebanon... and now moscow & beijing are fast-forwarding the means for all of islam to resist the great satan and its zionist proxy... tit for tat...
or did you actually think the soviet incursion into afghanistan in 1980 was unjust while our invasion of iraq, or the israeli collateral infliction on lebanese civilians, as just... ? see, that's why i'm agnostic: that kind of nationalist "logic" escapes me...
meanwhile, did you notice the soviets were at least smart enough to get the hell out... ?
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
heh heh...
gene mccarthy via garrison keillor:
"One thing about a pig, he thinks he's warm if his nose is warm. I saw a bunch of pigs one time that had frozen together in a rosette, each one's nose tucked under the rump of the one in front. We have a lot of pigs in politics."
"One thing about a pig, he thinks he's warm if his nose is warm. I saw a bunch of pigs one time that had frozen together in a rosette, each one's nose tucked under the rump of the one in front. We have a lot of pigs in politics."
Monday, July 24, 2006
sheep's clothing...
[REPUBLISHED FROM MY DEFUNCT BLOG "THE MAINEIAC" (12/14/04) never more timely than from now until August 8th, i'd say... ]
David Corn speculates on the scurvy Joe Lieberman as the next bet for DHS Sec'y. I say scurvy for two reasons: one political, the other personal.
Politically he's Vichy, a collaborator with the Bush Nazis. It's why he was early toast in the democratic presidential primaries (in an era when loathing that which is Bush was, and still is, a healthy and human purging of the phlegm brought on by Red State Spongeform Ensephylopathy), that and his smarmy, hypocritical, holier-than-thou personna given voice with an insufferably adenoidal flint, facilitating little more than the tightening of his listener's colon.
Personally, Lieberman got up my wazoo just after Operation Desert Storm reached its conclusion. Lieberman and Sam Nunn, a better example of conservative Dem who could do it without sacrificing his integrity, went to Kuwait for clean-up oversight. It was 1991 and I was a weekend news anchor at WELI Radio in New Haven (made famous during John Kusack's victory speech in *True Colors* - interesting movie).
Lieberman's press secretary organized a phone conference among six stations across Connecticut from Bridgeport to Hartford. I had the first question.
"Senator, this police action has resulted in the deaths of dozens of coalition forces, the deaths of thousands, if not tens of thousands of Iraqis. Meanwhile Saadam is still on his throne in Baghdad even as we've [returned] the Emir of Kuwait, the deflowerer of virgins, back on his; you and your colleagues are now over there patting yourselves on the back; so maybe you can tell our listeners why it is we went to war in the Persian Gulf in the first place." The interview was pre-recorded and the question, as was, would never go on the air. I was in no mood to receive flack from a Lieberman apologist calling in.
But it may help add context to my attitude by recalling the beloved Donald Rumsfeld, working at the time for Ronald Reagan, being photographed carrying a shit-eating grin and a handshake to Saadam, while only a few years later, George Bush the 1st's ambassador enabled Saadam with the assurance the United States had no position on his imminent invasion of Kuwait -- that is, until Maggie "Attila the Hen" Thatcher scolded Poppy after the fact, "Now don't go wobbly on us, George!"
This was, of course, a few years before Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney (before he dicks you!) pushed for overriding sanctions against Saadam, that is before vice president Dick Cheney (again, before he dicks you!) pushed to override the override.
I don't recall Lieberman's mealy-mouthed response to my question, or maybe it was hearing that fingernail & chalkboard gargle in my headphones that caused my eyes to glaze and my brain to seize.
The next day, after my apparent blackout, I was called into my news director's office. The Senator's press secretary had called and was livid. "Who's that 'Geraldo Rivera' you had working yesterday?!"
"Jesus Christ!" I protested. "I didn't ask him about his sex life."
The news director laughed and sent me back to work.
But I had had it with Mr. Mashed Potatoface ever since.
David Corn speculates on the scurvy Joe Lieberman as the next bet for DHS Sec'y. I say scurvy for two reasons: one political, the other personal.
Politically he's Vichy, a collaborator with the Bush Nazis. It's why he was early toast in the democratic presidential primaries (in an era when loathing that which is Bush was, and still is, a healthy and human purging of the phlegm brought on by Red State Spongeform Ensephylopathy), that and his smarmy, hypocritical, holier-than-thou personna given voice with an insufferably adenoidal flint, facilitating little more than the tightening of his listener's colon.
Personally, Lieberman got up my wazoo just after Operation Desert Storm reached its conclusion. Lieberman and Sam Nunn, a better example of conservative Dem who could do it without sacrificing his integrity, went to Kuwait for clean-up oversight. It was 1991 and I was a weekend news anchor at WELI Radio in New Haven (made famous during John Kusack's victory speech in *True Colors* - interesting movie).
Lieberman's press secretary organized a phone conference among six stations across Connecticut from Bridgeport to Hartford. I had the first question.
"Senator, this police action has resulted in the deaths of dozens of coalition forces, the deaths of thousands, if not tens of thousands of Iraqis. Meanwhile Saadam is still on his throne in Baghdad even as we've [returned] the Emir of Kuwait, the deflowerer of virgins, back on his; you and your colleagues are now over there patting yourselves on the back; so maybe you can tell our listeners why it is we went to war in the Persian Gulf in the first place." The interview was pre-recorded and the question, as was, would never go on the air. I was in no mood to receive flack from a Lieberman apologist calling in.
But it may help add context to my attitude by recalling the beloved Donald Rumsfeld, working at the time for Ronald Reagan, being photographed carrying a shit-eating grin and a handshake to Saadam, while only a few years later, George Bush the 1st's ambassador enabled Saadam with the assurance the United States had no position on his imminent invasion of Kuwait -- that is, until Maggie "Attila the Hen" Thatcher scolded Poppy after the fact, "Now don't go wobbly on us, George!"
This was, of course, a few years before Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney (before he dicks you!) pushed for overriding sanctions against Saadam, that is before vice president Dick Cheney (again, before he dicks you!) pushed to override the override.
I don't recall Lieberman's mealy-mouthed response to my question, or maybe it was hearing that fingernail & chalkboard gargle in my headphones that caused my eyes to glaze and my brain to seize.
The next day, after my apparent blackout, I was called into my news director's office. The Senator's press secretary had called and was livid. "Who's that 'Geraldo Rivera' you had working yesterday?!"
"Jesus Christ!" I protested. "I didn't ask him about his sex life."
The news director laughed and sent me back to work.
But I had had it with Mr. Mashed Potatoface ever since.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
another day...
alright, enough of the nonsense... i'm at a loss for anything relevant to say about the madness that has descended upon the world... america is no longer what it was publically related to be for the last hundred some-odd years -- you know, "land of the free, home of the brave," that shit; setting the world on fire and itching for more isn't brave, and the bushians never gave a good goddamn about freeing the sand niggers... all rather quite the opposite...
aw, what the hell... ? whaddu I know, i'm just a solitary entitity with an attitude who can type 75 words a minute...
i know comparing bush to hitler isn't acceptable in polite company, but i can't help but think on the parallels: the invading of other countries, the wholesale degradation, torture, and slaughter of other races with all the usual and very suspect rationales; also, the runty personnae comprising the corresponding chiefs of state, forever compelling both to overcompensate with hairy oratory and a contemptuous disrespect for the never-ending supply of people who aim nothing other than to please...
come to think of it, i disrespect them too...
but it's easier to despair our lot while middle-aged, figuring i won't live long enough to see the shit spiral a whole lot further... witnessing this hand-basket's ride to hades as a youngster, however, would have to be a greater disconcertion i can only now imagine... i fear i'm at a point of not caring whether the human race survives another century as a species... we don't deserve to... and everybody i care about won't be around in a hundred years...
on the other hand...
if we, say, clean ourselves up, and the space around us... if we rid ourselves of religion (at the risk of sounding like john lennon), because let's see it, religion, for what it is: a means of control, of the many by the few... the many are complicit as they are peopled by the simple, the needy, and the desperate, all grasping a thin reed called "god"... and in the end, this "control" somehow ceases to be... the shit gets out of hand, and we get, what, world war x... ?
fuck that... and fuck them... !!
as for the few calling the shots... ? they're evil... they are the true misanthropes... they don't believe a hint of the pablum they dispense, but they shovel it like drug dealers to the many, who are only too eager to lap it up... and why not, it's so fucking profitable... and there you have it, the many clutch their almighty; and the few clutch their almighty dollar...
not me, babe... i weary of everbody's deity..
i'd rather sip some bourbon... spank a pretty's bum... and bark up some trees...
aw, what the hell... ? whaddu I know, i'm just a solitary entitity with an attitude who can type 75 words a minute...
i know comparing bush to hitler isn't acceptable in polite company, but i can't help but think on the parallels: the invading of other countries, the wholesale degradation, torture, and slaughter of other races with all the usual and very suspect rationales; also, the runty personnae comprising the corresponding chiefs of state, forever compelling both to overcompensate with hairy oratory and a contemptuous disrespect for the never-ending supply of people who aim nothing other than to please...
come to think of it, i disrespect them too...
but it's easier to despair our lot while middle-aged, figuring i won't live long enough to see the shit spiral a whole lot further... witnessing this hand-basket's ride to hades as a youngster, however, would have to be a greater disconcertion i can only now imagine... i fear i'm at a point of not caring whether the human race survives another century as a species... we don't deserve to... and everybody i care about won't be around in a hundred years...
on the other hand...
if we, say, clean ourselves up, and the space around us... if we rid ourselves of religion (at the risk of sounding like john lennon), because let's see it, religion, for what it is: a means of control, of the many by the few... the many are complicit as they are peopled by the simple, the needy, and the desperate, all grasping a thin reed called "god"... and in the end, this "control" somehow ceases to be... the shit gets out of hand, and we get, what, world war x... ?
fuck that... and fuck them... !!
as for the few calling the shots... ? they're evil... they are the true misanthropes... they don't believe a hint of the pablum they dispense, but they shovel it like drug dealers to the many, who are only too eager to lap it up... and why not, it's so fucking profitable... and there you have it, the many clutch their almighty; and the few clutch their almighty dollar...
not me, babe... i weary of everbody's deity..
i'd rather sip some bourbon... spank a pretty's bum... and bark up some trees...
Friday, July 21, 2006
friday nite fart...
had t'be...
one of dubya's ancestors was deaf & dumb -- and they've been getting dumber ever since, wacca wacca, but nevermind that... the ancestor as toddler always misheard his name when his mama came a callin' 'im in for supper...
it was really george douche...
one of dubya's ancestors was deaf & dumb -- and they've been getting dumber ever since, wacca wacca, but nevermind that... the ancestor as toddler always misheard his name when his mama came a callin' 'im in for supper...
it was really george douche...
Thursday, July 20, 2006
more ironic than syria putting the clamp on hezbollah - eh, georgie?
it just occurred: dubya vetos the stem cell bill when his mental infirmities might otherwise benefit -- and you know he'd be first in line -- from its enactment...
coulda had another "flowers for algernon" there...
er... without the backslide...
coulda had another "flowers for algernon" there...
er... without the backslide...
Friday, July 14, 2006
too early for the islamists to wage this fight...
an easy bluff to call - today:
"Iran warns of 'fierce response' should Israel strike at Syria
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday an Israeli strike on Syria would be considered an attack on the whole Islamic world that would bring a "fierce response", state television reported."
in this case: the enemy of my enemy is not my friend...
go figure...
"Iran warns of 'fierce response' should Israel strike at Syria
"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday an Israeli strike on Syria would be considered an attack on the whole Islamic world that would bring a "fierce response", state television reported."
in this case: the enemy of my enemy is not my friend...
go figure...
spent on the earliest friday...
the vote was 390 to 33, lopsided by even congressional standards... and so we won't fuck with the civil rights act this day... i'm so proud of this house of representatives, i could just shit...
flag draped coffins - let me get this straight: if republicans use the image, that's okay... (and by the way, the etymology of "OK" = zero (0) killed, OK!!) but the dems are sleazy manipulators when they use the image or dare invoke the numbers 9/11... ?
the middle east, or at least beirut and baghdad, is on fire again... let me know when it spreads to syria and iran, that'll be the line, crossed, that's been drawn since '67... and why, by the by, is saudi arabia spared a conflagration.... ? i mean i WANNA see humvee & SUV drivers paying $10 a gallon for gas... fuckers... !! (jesus christ! and just as i type that, a commercial on olbermann's program for the humvee -- fuck them... fuck them all... !!)
what... !? red buttons was still alive until today... ?? wasn't he on the original *poseiden adventure*... ?? i thought everybody died since then...
i am NOT that old... !!
surfing by "5 easy pieces," one of the most underratedly intrigueing films... as jack nicholson, perceived to be "a star" vs. "an actor," is one of the most underrated talents, at least he was in his prime... i mean, DO check out "carnal knowledge"... he was sublime...
and begging the sidebar question: how scary hideous must karen black, goggle-eyes and all, be today -- eh, julie newmar... ?
okay, that was uncalled for... i blame the syrah...
flag draped coffins - let me get this straight: if republicans use the image, that's okay... (and by the way, the etymology of "OK" = zero (0) killed, OK!!) but the dems are sleazy manipulators when they use the image or dare invoke the numbers 9/11... ?
the middle east, or at least beirut and baghdad, is on fire again... let me know when it spreads to syria and iran, that'll be the line, crossed, that's been drawn since '67... and why, by the by, is saudi arabia spared a conflagration.... ? i mean i WANNA see humvee & SUV drivers paying $10 a gallon for gas... fuckers... !! (jesus christ! and just as i type that, a commercial on olbermann's program for the humvee -- fuck them... fuck them all... !!)
what... !? red buttons was still alive until today... ?? wasn't he on the original *poseiden adventure*... ?? i thought everybody died since then...
i am NOT that old... !!
surfing by "5 easy pieces," one of the most underratedly intrigueing films... as jack nicholson, perceived to be "a star" vs. "an actor," is one of the most underrated talents, at least he was in his prime... i mean, DO check out "carnal knowledge"... he was sublime...
and begging the sidebar question: how scary hideous must karen black, goggle-eyes and all, be today -- eh, julie newmar... ?
okay, that was uncalled for... i blame the syrah...
Monday, July 10, 2006
having a cognitive disconnect...
okay, fresh off of watching eugene jarecki's "why we fight" documentary on dvd, a brilliant -- yes! -- summary of what eisenhower dubbed the military industrial complex, and what it has morphed into, i.e, a modern orwellian oligarchical cheney/bush/halliburton/carlysle corruptocracy...
i'm left to conclude that after the republicans steal the elections of '06 (and the american sheep passively accept it yet again), we will proceed to bomb iran -- and i sadly admit to that as having taken only 28 years after i wanted them to...
but what did i know in 1979... ? i was a snot-nosed 19 year-old full of hormones and viscera -- not a bad sensation, that, especially with teenage girls wandering about... but as an imprimatur for gunboat diplomacy in these times: i think i'd rather not...
now is hindsight, you see, and i'm left with an odd sense of irony: the same culture that wants a gun in every classroom -- complete with a pocket bible and fireproof heterosexual flag (the logic being there'd be fewer shootings in pulpits and brothels, and, uhm, i'd like to spare the brothels) -- also want to prohibit tehran and pyongyang the right to arm bears, them being fucking sub-human heathens and all (persians, koreans & bears -- oh my!)...
personally, i'm all in favor of their possessing nukes... because i'm thoroughly convinced they'd never be foolish enough to use them on us, unless, of course, we used our daisy-cutters on them... or more simply, if they were to possess the requisite armament, WE would be prohibited to make war against them...
hey now, *there's* a concept...
i'm left to conclude that after the republicans steal the elections of '06 (and the american sheep passively accept it yet again), we will proceed to bomb iran -- and i sadly admit to that as having taken only 28 years after i wanted them to...
but what did i know in 1979... ? i was a snot-nosed 19 year-old full of hormones and viscera -- not a bad sensation, that, especially with teenage girls wandering about... but as an imprimatur for gunboat diplomacy in these times: i think i'd rather not...
now is hindsight, you see, and i'm left with an odd sense of irony: the same culture that wants a gun in every classroom -- complete with a pocket bible and fireproof heterosexual flag (the logic being there'd be fewer shootings in pulpits and brothels, and, uhm, i'd like to spare the brothels) -- also want to prohibit tehran and pyongyang the right to arm bears, them being fucking sub-human heathens and all (persians, koreans & bears -- oh my!)...
personally, i'm all in favor of their possessing nukes... because i'm thoroughly convinced they'd never be foolish enough to use them on us, unless, of course, we used our daisy-cutters on them... or more simply, if they were to possess the requisite armament, WE would be prohibited to make war against them...
hey now, *there's* a concept...
Sunday, July 09, 2006
i'll buy that for a dollar...
cenk uygar (yup!), by way of favored link "eat the press," pretty much summarizes it as succinctly as it can be:
"We are not against Joe Lieberman because we are leftists who require ideological purity. We are against him because he aids and abets an out of control Republican Party."
The deal of course is maintaining a consistent mantra when dispensing talking points -- just ask the repos -- and this works for me, and ought to for each and all left-of-center talking heads answering to the more dimly-witted of the political press corps...
whoa! uygar's summation of all that is wrong with joe lieberman is brilliant... ! and i'll link to it as soon as i figure out how via my mac... in the meantime, do read it!!
"We are not against Joe Lieberman because we are leftists who require ideological purity. We are against him because he aids and abets an out of control Republican Party."
The deal of course is maintaining a consistent mantra when dispensing talking points -- just ask the repos -- and this works for me, and ought to for each and all left-of-center talking heads answering to the more dimly-witted of the political press corps...
whoa! uygar's summation of all that is wrong with joe lieberman is brilliant... ! and i'll link to it as soon as i figure out how via my mac... in the meantime, do read it!!
cup *this*....
just read online the guineas beat the frogs (oh sorry, un-PC? tsk!)...
living in boston in the middle 80s, i seem to recall the italians winning the world cup then, if for no other reason then the habitants of beantown's north end came spilling out into the streets, down tremont past city hall and toward the common, all the while waving the italian flag, honking their horns, yelling their asses off and, well, just plain looking like a celtics parade in reverse (where it starts in back bay and ends up at city hall)... moreover, the city prepares a day or two in advance for when one of the boston teams wins all the marbles...
i suspect now the north-enders are once again going bonkers, but with the rest of the city just sorta lookin' on, as i write this...
(and just as i note papelbon blows the save w/2 out in the bottom of the 9th on a dye homer - aww fuck!!)
living in boston in the middle 80s, i seem to recall the italians winning the world cup then, if for no other reason then the habitants of beantown's north end came spilling out into the streets, down tremont past city hall and toward the common, all the while waving the italian flag, honking their horns, yelling their asses off and, well, just plain looking like a celtics parade in reverse (where it starts in back bay and ends up at city hall)... moreover, the city prepares a day or two in advance for when one of the boston teams wins all the marbles...
i suspect now the north-enders are once again going bonkers, but with the rest of the city just sorta lookin' on, as i write this...
(and just as i note papelbon blows the save w/2 out in the bottom of the 9th on a dye homer - aww fuck!!)
no thanks...
one of the links on the right has an ad for "bush toilet paper," essentially a roll of t.p. with the smiling mug of one george w. bush on each and every sheet...
i must object...
this is offensive...
not, of course, because anybody might rightfully equate and thus marry-up this war criminal's weasally, inbred puss with cleansing their backside of remnant feces... but the mere site of that >gah!< face MAKES ME CLAMP... !
kinda defeats the purpose for making the scene, eh... ?
i must object...
this is offensive...
not, of course, because anybody might rightfully equate and thus marry-up this war criminal's weasally, inbred puss with cleansing their backside of remnant feces... but the mere site of that >gah!< face MAKES ME CLAMP... !
kinda defeats the purpose for making the scene, eh... ?
educating g...
internet nomenclature, i.e., an acronym i've been seeing a lot of lately and had to look it up...
'WATB - Blog abbreviation for Whiney Ass Titty Baby; "new one from Atrios -- coined for Harris of the WaPo and Keller of NY Times," i.e. someone who makes excuses instead of doing the courageous thing.'
'WATB - Blog abbreviation for Whiney Ass Titty Baby; "new one from Atrios -- coined for Harris of the WaPo and Keller of NY Times," i.e. someone who makes excuses instead of doing the courageous thing.'
Saturday, July 08, 2006
just a thought...
stream of conciousness stuff, i grant u...
pondering those types you see at the mall, in the food court areas - you know, the ones fussin' on their laptops w/the wireless connectivity... ? well it dawned on me: my new macbook pro is too goddamned expensive for me to be sitting there, browsing the net, getting up to go get a hummas wrap or some-such, walk back and find somebody's swiped the damned thing... i mean, setting aside the sense of having been invaded, i'm just supposin' on the clinical and legal level that'd be "grand theft," i.e., given the cost of it...
"grand theft" i thought again... like "grand theft... auto," although my laptop's not an auto, but nevermind... then i thought about the video game "grand theft auto" and all the sick fucks who love to cyber-blow images that represent people, small animals and cops apart, by way of crankin' their joy-sticks and pushing the arrow keys, etc., all the while doing their best not to let the foam at the mouths dribble down their chins...
and then it hit me: they should call the thing "grand theft auto-erotica"... which, by the way, i plan on using as the title of a short-story i'll write somewhen, so don't think of plagerizing it, ann coulter, you hag, okay... ?
ah, the things u muse on while takin' a leak...
pondering those types you see at the mall, in the food court areas - you know, the ones fussin' on their laptops w/the wireless connectivity... ? well it dawned on me: my new macbook pro is too goddamned expensive for me to be sitting there, browsing the net, getting up to go get a hummas wrap or some-such, walk back and find somebody's swiped the damned thing... i mean, setting aside the sense of having been invaded, i'm just supposin' on the clinical and legal level that'd be "grand theft," i.e., given the cost of it...
"grand theft" i thought again... like "grand theft... auto," although my laptop's not an auto, but nevermind... then i thought about the video game "grand theft auto" and all the sick fucks who love to cyber-blow images that represent people, small animals and cops apart, by way of crankin' their joy-sticks and pushing the arrow keys, etc., all the while doing their best not to let the foam at the mouths dribble down their chins...
and then it hit me: they should call the thing "grand theft auto-erotica"... which, by the way, i plan on using as the title of a short-story i'll write somewhen, so don't think of plagerizing it, ann coulter, you hag, okay... ?
ah, the things u muse on while takin' a leak...
Friday, July 07, 2006
Here's Your Legacy, George Fucking Bush!
Hate Groups Are Infiltrating the Military, Group Asserts:
A decade after the Pentagon declared a zero-tolerance policy for racist hate groups, recruiting shortfalls caused by the war in Iraq have allowed "large numbers of neo-Nazis and skinhead extremists" to infiltrate the military, according to a watchdog organization.-snip-
"Light infantry is your branch of choice because the coming race war and the ethnic cleansing to follow will be very much an infantryman's war," he wrote. "It will be house-to-house, neighborhood-by-neighborhood until your town or city is cleared and the alien races are driven into the countryside where they can be hunted down and 'cleansed.' "The Uniter-Not-A-Divider strikes again.
He concluded: "As a professional soldier, my goal is to fill the ranks of the United States Army with skinheads. As street brawlers, you will be useless in the coming race war. As trained infantrymen, you will join the ranks of the Aryan warrior brotherhood."
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Jesus As Art Critic

Mat 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
a Greek island in the eastern Agean Sea, off the coast of northwestern Turkey. Its artistic golden age of the late 7th and early 6th centuries BC produced the poets Alcaeus and Sappho. Greek name Lesvos.
(early 7th century BC) Greek lyric poet who lived on Lesbos. Many of her poems express her affection of love for women and have given rise to her association with female homosexuality.
Sunday Streamin'...
at woody's driving range yesterday... rented one of those large-head 1-drivers, the kind brotherman the elder describes his own as "the buick"... anyway, the brothers will be pleased i found a groove, about half-way thru my "jumbo" bucket of balls, where i was laying everything up & deep to dead center, and until i started developing a blister on each thumb... gonna have to play this game with band-aids, i'm thinkin'...
. . .
sunday is about the only night of "must see"... you know, those programs you miss, you get a little agitated... ? baseball tonight at 7 p.m., switch over to HBO for "deadwood" and then "entourage"... gotta kill the t.v. other nights as i've reached middle age and i haven't even come close to doing the things i want to do with my life... ah, t.v., a freakin' drug...
. . .
commercial of the week: gatorade's com-generated graphics of pro-jocks' heads superimposed on kids bodies... very surreal... fuckin' hysterical...
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caught the latest superman movie... not bad... not great... kind of disappointed they had to pay some kinda homage to the '78 version, complete with the same john williams score... might've liked something different, maybe go with a different villian, say, braniac, or, if you have to play some camp into it, even mxyzptlk, instead of lex luthor -- a far better performance by kevin spacey than was gene hackman's, by the by; although i was extremely bored with the prosaic dopey side-kick girlfriend, this time played by parker posey offering little more than did valerie perine and with smaller tits no less - i mean, what's a guy supposed to do what that, hanh... !? on the other hand, kate bosworth's lois lane -- >woof!< -- is way hotter than was margo kidder's, even if the former was saddled with the horseshit kid subplot -- >milf!<... did anybody notice that lois' live-in boyfriend, richard white or james marsden, whoever, also plays cyclops in the x-men movies... ? and it dawned on me he might've been ideal, as in, the "central casting" kinda way to play the man of steel... but then, hollywood, like d.c. (the city, not the comic co.), is lousy w/unimaginitive, inbred thinkers... otherwise, all marsden, the more masculine, muscular, and - yes, goddamit! -- hetero supes need do is die his hair blue (as every comicbook maven knows, supey's hair always shined blue, y'know?)... but then, the "whatever advocate" insists this supes is supposed to be a closet flamer (and i thought he just flew to krypton and back) and i've stopped buyin' the fuckin' comic, okay... ?
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goddamn, this rainy weather really brings out the bugs after the rain stops -- GO 'WAY, YOU... !!
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meander, i shall...
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sunday is about the only night of "must see"... you know, those programs you miss, you get a little agitated... ? baseball tonight at 7 p.m., switch over to HBO for "deadwood" and then "entourage"... gotta kill the t.v. other nights as i've reached middle age and i haven't even come close to doing the things i want to do with my life... ah, t.v., a freakin' drug...
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commercial of the week: gatorade's com-generated graphics of pro-jocks' heads superimposed on kids bodies... very surreal... fuckin' hysterical...
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caught the latest superman movie... not bad... not great... kind of disappointed they had to pay some kinda homage to the '78 version, complete with the same john williams score... might've liked something different, maybe go with a different villian, say, braniac, or, if you have to play some camp into it, even mxyzptlk, instead of lex luthor -- a far better performance by kevin spacey than was gene hackman's, by the by; although i was extremely bored with the prosaic dopey side-kick girlfriend, this time played by parker posey offering little more than did valerie perine and with smaller tits no less - i mean, what's a guy supposed to do what that, hanh... !? on the other hand, kate bosworth's lois lane -- >woof!< -- is way hotter than was margo kidder's, even if the former was saddled with the horseshit kid subplot -- >milf!<... did anybody notice that lois' live-in boyfriend, richard white or james marsden, whoever, also plays cyclops in the x-men movies... ? and it dawned on me he might've been ideal, as in, the "central casting" kinda way to play the man of steel... but then, hollywood, like d.c. (the city, not the comic co.), is lousy w/unimaginitive, inbred thinkers... otherwise, all marsden, the more masculine, muscular, and - yes, goddamit! -- hetero supes need do is die his hair blue (as every comicbook maven knows, supey's hair always shined blue, y'know?)... but then, the "whatever advocate" insists this supes is supposed to be a closet flamer (and i thought he just flew to krypton and back) and i've stopped buyin' the fuckin' comic, okay... ?
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goddamn, this rainy weather really brings out the bugs after the rain stops -- GO 'WAY, YOU... !!
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meander, i shall...
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