Sunday, May 10, 2009

to mom on mother's day...

Mary Emily Catherine Johnson "Jackie" Ammons: 1926-2009

On this Mother's Day, Mom passed at 6:15 a.m. Eastern.

Your children miss you, Mom.

Update: Obituary for Jackie Ammons...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

joe the bummer quitting the gop... ?

This reminds me of when Ed Koch, then the mayor of New York, dared the United Nations to pull up stakes and out of the city, saying it would disappear out of the minds of the world if it did so.

Either Joe the Bummer suffers delusions of grandeur, thinking the media or assorted knuckle-draggers will still come a'calling if and when he disassociates himself from the Repos, or he's aware this will allow him to step out of the limelight and go back to what's left of his real life. If it's the latter, then he's smarter than I ever gave him credit for.

Now as for how low the GOP has sunk when even the Bummer can't be seen with it...

Monday, May 04, 2009

blue gold: world water wars...

I discovered this via DailyKos, reminding me of when John McCain was getting grief from Colorado Republicans during last falls campaign because he was saying water from the Colorado River ought to be accessible in Arizona. I remember thinking, that could get ugly. Clearly I had... have no idea...

friends like these...

A day after Arlen Specter says he didn't promise Democrats a rose garden, he implies Republican indolence as a cause in Jack Kemp's death.

Setting aside Kemp, being a former member of Congress, as having access to the best health coverage money can buy (short of buying a human organ on the black market, say), Specter is fast exposing himself to rank & file Dems as being absolutely worthless as an ally. And it's beginning to look like Ed Rendell will have to eat his words about there being no Democratic primary in Pennsylvania next year.