Monday, March 06, 2006

Another Day

So the doctor says lay off the caffeine, and I'm, like, "yeah, sure!"

But then the new admin starts bringing in this gourmet fresh-ground, and has this nasty habit of brewing pots big enough to kill three elephants. The shit smells gooooood. And I'm sitting at my desk catching wafts of it from down the hall. Very distracting, that.

It ain't right!

So I bring in some decaf fresh-ground shit to cut it. But the admin doesn't use it, no good for me when I'm in 10-6 instead of 8-4, and she's always in at 9.

And this morning I find a gold aluminum-wrapped truffle - yah, gourmet chocolate - sitting in front of my keyboard. What can I say, the chicks dig me! Yeh, I'm adorable when my heart palpitates.

At least I hope it was a chick.

Oh to be young again.

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