Wednesday, February 22, 2006

What Is Lieberman's Game?

Interesting slant on Lieberman carrying Bush's water:
One of the uglier attacks on Joe Lieberman is that he has "divided loyalties" because he's Jewish. Apparently, that means he puts Israel's interests above America's.

But today we have definitive proof that Lieberman's
divided loyalties aren't to Israel, but to George W. Bush.
I am loathe to admit I too have wondered, and still do, whether Lieberman isn't really an agent for Likud. What is certain is he's no Democrat. It's one thing to consistently vote for an agenda that is defining today's Republican party as morally bankrupt and corrupt, but also proactively undermining resistance to the systematic elimination of The New Deal and the Civil Rights Act (not to mention the Great Society, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, voter rights, etc., etc.), ultimately subverting the principle of "equal justice under law."

What, then, can one make of this self-styled moralist, this devout observor of his orthodox faith, getting into bed with the likes of a president, whose facistic tendenecies and abject wrong-headedness will almost certainly render him to history as a war criminal? It beggars one's sense of decency.

Zell Miller, for an example, came as no surprise. That dude was fried squirrel on toast from the get-go. But Lieberman? When did he jump the track? What switch went off in his ugly head, and triggered all-Bush-all-the-time? And don't feed me "9-11, 9-11!!" because New Yorkers themselves are back to despising Bush and all he represents, and quite properly so.

But Lieberman? What's his game? What's in it for 'im?

And why's he still a Democrat?

I just don't get it.

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