Wednesday, June 14, 2006

God Bless Real Democracy!

Holy Joe supports Net Neutrality, and as Mel Allen liked to say: "How Uhh'Bout Dat!!?"

Think maybe it's because the Netroots endeavor to kick Joementum to a Connecticut curb that he's starting to behave -- >gasp< -- like a Democrat?

In other news:

Chuck Schumer won't rule out backing Joe Blow over the prospective Democratic nominee Ned Lamont, should Joe Schmoe decide to switch to being an Independant candidate?

DailyKos says Schumer & the DCCC are courting intra-party war...
Crooks & Liars says could be interesting how this plays out...
Talking Points Memo is >yawwwwn< "[N]ot taking any sides" (Jim Hightower: "The only thing in the middle of the road are yellow stripes and dead armidillers.")...
Firedoglake (the best site at bashing ol' Lieberlips) says Schumer is running an incumbent-protection racket...
MyDD tags the "machine" Dems in Connecticut...

For starters...

It says here not to worry. Even Dem Senators don't like JoeJoe any more than we do. But assumedly Schumer & Harry Reid made a deal to keep mum until A) Boltin' Joe leaves the party prior to the primary; or B) Ned Lamont is in fact nominated for the seat. At which point, either, the Dems will heartily flock to Lamont's side. Gotta be!

The Democratic leadership in Congress may be pathetic & weak little farts, but they aren't stupid. Well... they're that too, but not that stupid. They've seen the returns from YearlyKos.


Naahm Deplume said...

God bless the bloggers! Doing the GOP's work for it by forcing the Dems to drive in the left lane!

Barking Up Trees said...

that's right, chum, stay ignorant... it ain't ideology, "left" or otherwise... it's about putting the fight back into the party...

never was it the repos had the message, they had only messengers; and the dems confused their poor messengers (mcgovern, carter, mondale, dukakis & kerry -- note i exclude clinton & gore from that group) with having a poor message...

it's why gore won in '00 and kerry won nonetheless -- yes, he did -- in '04: the repos had a terrible messenger...

america is all about the cult of personality and a low attention span... and when they see dems w/spine, say, webb, warner, and now gore, u can say by-by to unlimited tax cuts and unlimited war...

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