Monday, August 14, 2006

no really, it's not funny...

so why does this give me a giggle... ?
A poll conducted by what bills itself as "the world's most visited Christian website" indicates a surprising number of Christians are addicted to pornography[.]


Spared said...

I've always thought there is a back-end (pardon the pun) support of porn by the Christian right, in order to increase membership and generate more revenue when they screw their lives up so bad they need someplace to go repent.

Anonymous said...

This blog is bit dated... I wonder if the G man is getting on in age? Need to see some more lucidity... the readers (blogees) are clearly left wanton.

Spared said...

He's busy making people argue on the other side of the country.

Barking Up Trees said...

frankie valie's saying *I* must be getting on in years... ?

next thing you'll be telling me is little richard came out with a song called "lucidity"...

Anonymous said...

recommend changing blog name to "peeing in the wind"

Anonymous said...

...humm, discriptive, analogous... but barking is the blog...and we all know what one is really doing when among trees?

Spared said...

Why do I get the feeling Frankie is an ambulance chaser too...

Anonymous said...

...wha, we are now goin' after me?

Spared said...

How did we get so off topic?