Tuesday, September 02, 2008

place yer bets... !

Marshall also turns us onto Intrade, where political futures can be parlayed. And it looks like Sarah Palin is a hot trading commodity now.

Personally, I'm convinced McCain can't dump her now. He's already on the hook for looking like a putz in not vetting her properly, and you gotta know the Christianists will support her all the way to the gates of Heaven (or, maybe, that other place) regardless, and will only seek to crucify McCain if he throws her under the bus.

How 'bout that for irony, eh? The straight talker bent over...


Anonymous said...

I am thinking McGovern/Eagleton, but here are a couple of things to consider: First, McCain may actually not give a shit since it hardly goes to Palin's qualifications (just as Dems didn't think Bill's blowjobs were an issue); and second, isn't it possible that the McCain campaign have baited the Dems into pissing off some women even more??? This is one reason Obama said back off as it is not a winning argument for the Official Dems to get into but to leave to the swiftboating blogosphere (also because Mombama did precisely the same thing).

So I don't think you will get the bounce you hope it gets. Best dems can do is yell hypocrisy, but I fail to see the hypocrisy since there was no abortion, no gay marriage, and we never even checked to see if the teen was a republican. Maybe she's a democrat! Or at least a liberal!


Barking Up Trees said...

looks like the bounce has already happened, chumley... rasmussen and gallup both have obama over 50%... not just his speech but a WTF over the palin pic...