Monday, October 27, 2008

way i see it...

You have your Obama supporters...

... and then there are the mentally ill.

Any questions?


Anonymous said...

Calling me mentally ill?

I must be, to keep working in order to pay even more in taxes to support a bunch of slackers and hackers.

In fact, can you put in a good word for me in order to have me legally declared "disabled"? Since I work in a knowledge industry, a bad back or knees don't count. But if I am mentally impaired, then I can't be a tax attorney and should get disability, right???

Comrade Commander Guy Deux

Barking Up Trees said...

curious, i am...

monstrously a paiin in the ass you are, i.e., with your verbose & prolix lawyerly capacities...

i get that you want to pay taxes, ok... but do you really give a damn whether gays want to marry... ??

write soon...