Sunday, November 23, 2008

bonus... !!!

Hmm... Gee! Do I want universal health coverage if it means the end of the Republican party?

Is this, like, a trick question?


Anonymous said...

Well, comrade, your newly anointed side always did want one party rule.

I am getting some traction for my plan to purchase land in a deeply red state. Food prices are going down now, but the EU is considering going totally organic which will eviscerate their farm yields. South Korea is leasing vast tracts of land in South Africa to insure access to food. And the Ogalla Aquifer in the midwest is running out of water, heralding another Dust Bowl.

I figure we can sell food to the east coast liberals for cash, and when they try to tax the shit out of us or regulate prices, scream for secession. Of course, they could also continue that fekackta policy of paying farmers NOT to grow food.


Barking Up Trees said...

as to your first paragraph, i have but two words: karl rove...

meanwhile, you might want to buy that red land sooner rather than later, 'cause, DUDE, it's shrinking... !!!

Anonymous said...

Don't get the Rove reference.

As for the land, working on it, mon frere, working on it.


Barking Up Trees said...

rove is "the architect" of the permanent majority, essentially a one-party rule, if one includes a completely neutered minority party -- essentially a one-party system with corporate subsidy...
