Thursday, November 06, 2008

center-right-left-center-middle-up-down-wtf... ?

Word is Rahm Emanuel has taken the gig at the White House, Chief of Staff for President-elect Obama. Meanwhile, the lefties are in freak-mode at Nancy Pelosi's stated intent to govern "from the center." I too would like the hard lurch to the left, and, indeed, feel governing from the center would properly require a hard lurch to the left, but understand what needs be done to maintain success, more important than merely attaining such.

Clearly, the corporate media and the Oligarchy are highly resistant to "real change" -- say, from crony capitalism to market capitalism, which the cronyists like to call "socialism." And scaring the bejeebus out of those entities, while viscerally satisfying, is certainly a guarantee that any victories would be pyrrhic as they would likely be short-lived.

So the talk that is talked will continue to be corporate-speak. The marriage of gays, for example, will be put off, as the gays in the military were not in the first 100 days of Bill Clinton's presidency. The assumption here is Obama is at least the intellectual equal of Bill Clinton but is clearly 20 times smarter, and should learn from Clinton's mistake of lurching too far too soon in '92, consequently losing his Democratic majority in Congress in '94.

Any transition promises to take considerable time to smooth frictions with a hard-right minority -- a hardened-right at that, what with the decimation of Republican moderates -- one still with the capacity to filibuster anything and everything under the sun. "Hope" in this context, then, means a belief that more long-term liberal policies will be effected, and the push to the left will not be as obvious but will nonetheless be palpable.

So I'm a practical progressive (possibly naive), not to be confused with a compassionate conservative, whom I'd consider a fraud at his face. I'm perfectly willing to let Barack Obama play his hand and see where this all goes. I'm encouraged, meanwhile, to hear Robert Kennedy, Jr., is on the short list for EPA while Caroline Kennedy is being seen as the U.N. Ambassador. These are good things.


Anonymous said...

How's the view from under the bus??? Told you Obama would toss the far left under the bus, but I am surprised that even Pelosi did so.

BTW, NYT article today on gun sales going through the roof. Told everyone 6 months ago that would happen. Heller decision means that gun purchase frenzy is misguided. Ammo buying frenzy, however, is not--I put in my order last week.

Great moment on MSNBC---Chris Matthews basically admits that it is his job to advance the Obama administration. Nice to see a "journalist" admit he is in the tank for the dems. Not that we didn't already know that, but it is refreshing to have heard it.

Enjoy your stimulus and earned income checks, and you're welcome.

Comrade Commander Guy Deux

Barking Up Trees said...

not so fast, bright boy...

the projection is of throwing the left under the bus, so as to avoid the appearance of repeating the clintonistas circa '92-93...

i'm liking kennedys at epa & u.n., and lefty broad at doj, and bitch-slapping dubya over columbia/gm/ford/chevy/guantanimo, etc...

like i said...

Anonymous said...

Gitmo I get, but Columbia, and the big three? What am I missing? You worried that a Columbia trade deal means you don't get cheap pot?

And I doubt you will have liberal firebrands appointed to important posts; that will be exactly what the Clintonistas did as well. Obama's conversion to the center was so dramatic that his conversion back to the left will be equally dramatic. And if you think the Clintons got their butts handed to them for lurching left after running from the center, imagine what would happen to the Messiah. Especially when the lefties fail to revive the economy. No, it would be such a huge gift to the GOP, I cannot see, for the life of me, that the Messiah would turn the agenda over to Reds like you. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected. So far the Messiah is appointing folks with gravitas to sensitive domestic agenda spots (treasury, commerce, transportation, probably ag) But he is signaling that the far left agenda is also being readied, by some of his other picks (holder, daschle, Lowey (gahd!)) Especially Lowey. I think even the wife would like to bump her off.

Barking Up Trees said...

fiscally conservative but socially progressive, i can live with...