Thursday, August 10, 2006


"a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience... "

whoooooo coulditbeeeee... ?


Spared said...

Does it start with a B and end with senseless wars?

Barking Up Trees said...

would that it would end...

Naahm Deplume said...

I thought it was me!

Spared said...

Is your name George, Mr. Feather?

Barking Up Trees said...

would u 2 like a room... ?

Spared said...

G - Don't be jealous. You can stll call me and breathe heavily into the phone as you read the Constitution.

Barking Up Trees said...

only if u breathe heavy back as u read anais nin...

Naahm Deplume said...

How about I breathe heavily and read the Constitution to you? At least, I know how to interpret it!!!

And, no, it isn't george.

And, no G, we would not like a room, if only because Spared's very large and muscular SO would kick my ass.

Barking Up Trees said...

meanwhile, i'm not so convinced of your interpretations... e.g., "organized militia" seems to have escaped your concern, your having previously dubbed as "that old canard" or some such...
yah! u and that constitutional giant john ashcroft...

Spared said...

G - How about I read you Castro's "History Will Absolve Me speech from the 50s? That's sexy. I won't wear a beard this time.

Mr. Feather - How about you translate a Bush speech into English?

Barking Up Trees said...

how 'bout if the clam is bearded... ?

Spared said...

eww... no... that's unacceptable...

Naahm Deplume said...

I cannot even convert my own witticisms into the Queen's English, let alone what P.J. O'Rourke called "mangled syntax" when speaking of 41.

But let's begin:
Nucular: (n) nuclear, pertaining to weapons or power systems using nuclear fission as a primary energy source.

Spared said...

I think you could write a book ...