Monday, July 09, 2007

merry fitzness...

Naahmy, who once had two blogs of his own but now clearly prefers throwing peanuts at mine (for which, I must say, I am honored), asks today:
Why would Leahy gang up on Fitzgerald when Fitz was carrying the Dem's water for them? After all, the polls were against commutation, and this gives the Dems an issue. Why would he then call Fitz' conduct into question, esp. when no rabid right wingers are? Isn't that biting the hand . . .?
It isn't clear where Naahm got the idea Fitz' conduct was being called into question (except by loyal Bushies). More like Fitz has a unique and well informed take as to the on-going corruption that is the Bush administration. To wit:

Schumer: One thing, and I've spoken to [Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat] Leahy about this, that we're thinking about doing is calling Patrick Fitzgerald, the prosecutor, before us.

You know, he's not allowed to talk about what happened before the grand jury, but he did interview the president and the vice president, not before a grand jury, and [Fitzgerald] might have some very interesting things to say.

He issued a rare statement after the commutation that was very harsh in condemning it -- and with good reason. [...]

CBS: When would you like to see Mr. Fitzgerald come to Capitol Hill?

Schumer: Well, you know, this would be Sen. Leahy's call, but I talked to him about it yesterday and he seemed inclined to do it. It would be very interesting and we'd like to hear what he has to say. Obviously he can't talk about anything that occurred in the grand jury, but there's a lot else that he might be able to tell us. Because obviously, with the commutation of Libby, and with no one else meeting a criminal standard, but still something terrible being done in the name of an agent being leaked...we sure want to get more answers.



Anonymous said...

Peanuts? I am tossing kiwifruit.

Well, I expected you to clarify and you did. That makes more sense.

I actually got the impression it was other from CNN, and some sound bites suggesting that someone (likely Specter) thought that Fitzgerald had been pursuing Libby even after the sine qua non for his investigation had been mooted
(though I suspect strongly you don't think it moot).

Barking Up Trees said...

well, actually, specter did rumble somewhat...

apparently this signy thing to which you refer (sorry, i gave catholicism up for lent) is precisely so libby can cover all arses by continuing to plead the 5th, either in further inquiry by fitz or by a congressional hearing... as such he doesn't have to talk to congress, whereas with a pardon he would... and if he were to lie to congress, as he inevitably would, his liability would present itself all over again...

upshot however, the dems don't want to take a bite outta fitz, they want him to take a bite outta dubya & his dick...


Anonymous said...

Oh, I figured, and later stories made that clear. Just the way the Leahy comments were presented made them sound like something other than what they were.

Not that I trust CNN to get the facts straight.