Tuesday, June 19, 2007

a republican worth another look...

U.S. Is ‘Really in Trouble,’ Says Bloomberg, Sounding Like a Candidate

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, sounding every inch the presidential candidate he insists he is not, brought his message of pragmatic, nonpartisan leadership to California on Monday, telling a crowd of Google employees that the nation was “really in trouble.”

In unusually stark terms, Mr. Bloomberg expressed his frustration with the state of the nation, touching on campaign-style issues like the war in Iraq, immigration, education, health care and crime before a crowd of more than 1,000 employees at the Google campus here.

When Republicans can sound progressive and not theocratic or fear-mongering, that's when this progressive will pay attention to Republicans.

Update: Bloomberg Leaving The Republican Party

Upside: He has the political muscle and financial capital to stake the most serious Independant run in American history. Also, a strong Independant candidacy will breath new life into the corrupted 2-party system in America.

Downside: Being liberal, he'll be cutting well into the Democratic nominee's vote-count, not that I give a damn about the triangulating ways of she who is Hillary, but it could seriously inhibit the process of marginalizing neo-conservatism, a social and geopolitical malignancy most recently and most viably embodied by the amoral wind-sock Mitt Romney.


Anonymous said...

On so many levels, Bloomberg is a RINO. He is not only out of step with the party on the social issues (the major fault line in the GOP so that isn't dramatic), but also on such core republican issues as taxation, property rights, Second Amendment, and regulatory burdens, where he is worse than the group of democrats that just won election to Congress. Hell, GOP'ers in NoVa even want to kill him, and NoVa is practically DC.

On the other hand, he is a Red Sox fan.

Commander Guy

Barking Up Trees said...

thus am i liking him more'n more...

Anonymous said...

Wow, were we prescient or what?

Apparently, bloomie is returning to his West Medford roots.

Commander Guy

Anonymous said...

Update: Bloomie is not gonna run. He has already dismissed it in very strong terms ("last person alive" sort of terms). Second, he has about as much support in this race as Tancredo. Like Hill, he has high negatives offsetting any high positives. Furthermore, he hasn't done much as Mayor except to ban smoking and calories, indicating that he is in favor of paternalistic, meddling, lifestyle-regulation in the Democratic mode. He has zero foreign policy cred and has shown the same windsock proclivities you deign to despise. He will get painted (hosed, really) by his admission that he joined the GOP only because their was no competition in the GOP primary for mayor, so he will be successfully painted as a democrat, and an amoral one at that. He will get killed in the South, Midwest and Mountain, and won't do well enough on the coasts to overcome it. Put him in any poll right now and he won't break single digits. If he ever breaks 12%, I will buy you lunch.

Commander Guy