Thursday, December 18, 2008

feedback to the feedback to the irreverence...

Old poker-buddy and fellow former UMie/DC softballer H-Mac takes exception via email to my contempt for all things Bush:
You can't really mean what you said on your blog about the 3rd shoe being the charm. No matter how much you might hate a US President you can't be in favor of any President being attacked . . . This is like a fight outside the family. You and your brother I assume fought plenty when you were kids and at times felt like you "hated" each other but god forbid if some outsider tried to pick a fight with you or him I assume the other one would have come in full steam swinging to protect the other one. We can fight amongst ourselves plenty but when outsiders attack one of us with such blatant disrespect it demeans all of us.
... to which I responded:

you and i differ on who the outsider is... or isn't... the incident happened in iraq... the shoe-thrower is an iraqi... ipso facto: bush was the outsider...

and, to borrow a time-tested metaphor that works aptly as a pun: put yourself in the other guy's shoes:

imagine if uniformed "outsiders" from an invading force came crashing through your house door, blew you away and did unspeakable acts to your wife and kids... or let others do so, when you were only a while ago safe & secure in your persons...

or maybe you weren't blown away, but were made to watch said unspeakable acts, then taken away to a prison where less-unspeakable acts were done to you, including being sodomized, bitten by dogs, tortured with electrical devices, smeared with feces, etc...

now wouldn't you want to throw a shoe at the bastard who ordered that done... ?

not that i'm into conjuring such images, big guy, but that sh*t went down, and most of it was done to bystanders and other assorted innocents, not just actual "insurgents"...

america can't be "america" anymore, old boot, not until bush is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law... or gets hit in the mush with a freakin' shoe...

the demeaning of the office, and our country, wasn't done by the shoe thrower but the occupant himself...

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