Sunday, January 21, 2007

the ex- always said i was intellectually lazy...

... especially so when Wolcott flings this kind of doodoo around:
Siegel's I couldn't finish because when Siegel gets into his magniloquent mode, he gives every sentence the reverberating weight of Critical Judgment rendering an irreversible verdict and fluffs his wigged curls as if auditioning for Moliere.
Frasier Crane I'm not -- okay? -- contrary to popular schenectady.

Actually I was fine up until he said "Moliere." I'd Google or Wikipedia the feller but I'm feeeling laaaazy.


Anonymous said...

Pats Blow!!!!
Pats Blow!!!!
Pats Blow!!!!

I mean, Cubs Win!!!!

No I don't...

Naahm Deplume said...

the horror...
the horror...

Barking Up Trees said...

i had the perfect line: "that's okay, peyton, you still got the second-best arm in he neighborhood"...

woulda coulda shoulda...