Thursday, May 17, 2007

pretentious suburbanites for gravel...

Look! If Al Gore doesn't get in, I'll take this guy:

Former Sen. Mike Gravel, the longshot presidential candidate who has generated buzz in the liberal blogosphere following a dramatic and heated performance during the first Democratic presidential debate, reaffirmed his belief that President Bush should be jailed for going to war in Iraq and that all drugs should be legalized.
Can you believe this groovy cat was Senator from Alaska? I'd even add as his running mate a Texas Republican (Holy Christ! I know!): Ron Paul.

Better yet, I've got a great slogan for the latter -- "Ron Paul: One Republican Who Won't Suck Up".

Henry Clay is attributed with the axiom "I'd rather be right than President." Is it a prerequisite, then, that one must be wrong to attain the presidency?

If so, how fucked up are we as a nation?

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