Sunday, May 13, 2007

takin' it kinda personal here...

From Bill Simmons' mailbag:

Q: Everyone outside of New York and Boston thinks Yankees and Red Sox fans are the same exact person living in two different cities. I see no difference at all between the two fan bases. You are both loud, obnoxious, have ridiculous accents, put stupid pressure on your players, spend money to the point it makes the game unfair, spend way too much money on Japanese pitchers and think your city is far superior to everywhere else's. Am I missing something?--Josh, Tampa, Fla.

SG: Yeah, you're missing the part where we root for teams that win 95-100 games every year and finish 30 games ahead of the Devil Rays. You left that out.

1 comment:

Naahm Deplume said...

He is also missing the point that Boston IS superior to a fetid, crime-ridden, humid, reclaimed swamp full of inbreds and other assorted mental defectives (a.k.a. Floridians) where the locals idea of patriotism is to shout "Ustedes en America, ahora. Hables Espanol!!!"