Thursday, September 08, 2005

Cue Beethoven's 6th

Looks like the Democrats are starting to frigging get it. Paul Hackett, who lost the 2nd District Congressional race in Ohio earlier this summer, is being wooed by the wigs on The Hill for a possible run against Mike DeWine. That he was particularly vitriolic, as marines who've recently been in Iraq can (and should) be, about what a flapping jerk George Bush is, and still came within 4 percentage points of upsetting the Republican nobody in Ohio's most conservative district, the Dem leadership was none to hurried to tap Hackett on the shoulder and say, "Uhmm... So how 'bout it?"

'“Senator Hackett, it’s got a nice ring to it,” Hackett said in a recent interview.' (The Hill)
Some of you, I know, weren't paying attention to his race in July and have never heard of Hackett. But having saw him on Bill Maher's HBO talkshow recently, I can only conclude this guy has the goods: a tall, rough, good-looking alpha-male type who isn't given to mealy mouthedness, unlike far too many Democrats in Congress who behave as though they were inbred solely for the purpose of compromising our rights and heritage over to the darkside.

Yeahhhh, Joe Biden/Lieberman, you know who you are!!

Of course, the greatest fear here is whether We The People can send enough of the really pissed off to Congress to replace these plasticine porters with looking-glass ties that have taken over today's Democratic Party; and this before even more corporate money can filter down through their vital organs like heroin, morphing them into just another pod bot to be plucked or plugged whenever and wherever the time and space is deemed appropriate. Here's a heresy for you, what a lot of progressives don't seem to remember was a growing disenchantment with Paul Wellstone, who "learned how to play nice," although apparently not fast enough for the deep pockets.

That is before he was >cough< offed.

So get yourself elected, Paul Hackett, and go kick some butts down the hill... before they can kick yours.

P.S. It'd sure be nice to know if our perenial losers might start to give a damn enough to make a royal stink, and between now and November '06, over the now pervasive electronic vote theft. After all, this is Ohio we're talking about.

For that matter, everywhere else ferchrissakes!!

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