Thursday, January 26, 2006

1,000 Words

If ever Andre Agassi's assertion "Image is everything!" ever applied more than it does at the White House, recollection fails:
In his press conference today, President Bush suggested that the existence of photographs of himself and Jack Abramoff are no big deal and generally pooh-poohed the press's focus on the story. But our reporting suggests that the White House is actively involved in covering up and possibly destroying photographic evidence of the two men together.
Oh, now I remember: the next generation of video footage and photographs of atrocities committed by American soldiers and civilians at Abu Ghraib... all in the name of America -- of course, not yet made public.

I forget who said it recently, but America is a land with a great big, luminous bubble covering it, where the world can see in but we can see only our reflections.

This administration is a freakin' nightmare.

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