Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Murtha Rocks!

Wow! Keep in mind this is coming from a Marine veteran:
"Would you join (the military) today?," he was asked in an interview taped on Friday.

"No," replied Murtha of Pennsylvania, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives subcommittee that oversees defense spending and one of his party's leading spokesmen on military issues.

"And I think you're saying the average guy out there who's considering recruitment is justified in saying 'I don't want to serve'," the interviewer continued.

"Exactly right," said Murtha.
Heavy stuff, considering the source and the brevity of his utterances. Of course, given the Bushies are capable of anything -- I repeat: anything!! -- the good Congressman might consider hiring a food-tester.

1 comment:

Barking Up Trees said...

precisely the point, letti darling... dubya underscores his abject incompetence by slowly & systematically destroying our military... meanwhile no sane individual not on a suicide mission for reasons purely noble would even consider signing up only to be pushed thru a buzzsaw...