Saturday, January 21, 2006

Endorsement #1

Paul Hackett for U.S. Senate. Faithful readers know my reasons.

Newcomers, welcome! Here's why.

1 comment:

Naahm Deplume said...

That is what democrats used to look like, before McGovern and Carter. The problem is that while dems are able to talk tough, no one believes them (of course, id did not help putting that weathervane of a candidate up against Bush). Hackett has more gravitas.

But be careful what you wish for -- think Hackett would tow the liberal line and not side with the neocons on defense issues? Conversely, should he get in and fall into the Dem line, he will become the Trojan Liberal. Didn't work too well for Bill, and will prove disastrous for Hill (who has even less credibility than Kerry).

Well, gotta go to work.