Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mirror Mirror...

Welcome Finland and France and Britain and Brazil; Singapore, Australia and Spain, you too. We be blogging 'round the clock, or we would if we could. Lord knows the mind toils and it doth spin. And more is the pity.

I imagine your sadness all of you who look at us, America. You had hope and even envy. How you must view us now. This vile bastard we call der president has diluted that which we pretended we were. But then again he's served a useful purpose, lifting the veil of our public relations, our Madison Avenue marketing front that is "America," representative of all that is good: baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet. The land of the free, the home of the brave, human rights and justice for all.


The corporations and conglomerates want you to believe it, feed it to you as pablum, because it profits them so. These souless mechanisms of civilization.

But don'tcha know? Dubya didn't invent torture here. Before he stopped sniffing his blow (or assuming he stopped), we had this place called School of the Americas, located in Fort Benning, Georgia. Do ye' not recall nuns being tortured in Central America during the reign of Ronald Wilson Reagan (666)?

And what of the fall of Saigon? The March on Birmingham? Of Jim Crow? Of breadlines and Plessy v. Ferguson? Of 40 acres & a mule? Of civil war? Of Manifest Destiny (and how's that for a fancy name given to ethnic cleansing)?

We are a most unclean lot; ashamed, or at least we should be.

We are doomed. You are doomed. The whole trial is out of order!

We will repeat the past. We have not learned from history.

We are Americans.


Naahm Deplume said...

Will be sad to see you go, but I can help you with your application for French citizenship. :-)>

Fact is, for all our faults, people are still willing to risk death to come here. Are they that uninformed, that stupid? Will they turn around and leave once they figure out that America is not like their home, and likely never will be? Will they leave once they figure out that this isn't the Town of Perfect, like in the Walgreen's commercials?

I think not.

But, if you and your fellow travelers are willing to embrace federalism to a much greater degree than many have been willing to do, and allow states to have greater automony over their laws, economies, schools, etc., then you can have pseudo-swedish societies on the local and state level. Personally, I think that the "States" in "United States" should mean more than it does. Personally, I would be okay with that - Mass. can mandate all of the liberal ideals it wants, provided it doesn't transgress certain original constitutional concepts. I am serious, I would be just fine with that.

Of course, that means Red States can act similarly.

Of course, the left won't ever go for that. Ever. For we all know what will happen then. And the left won't allow their neighbors to go unbeggared.

So, to prevent the balkanization of this country along economic and ideological lines, we must put up with one another.

That is fine too - I'd miss arguing with you.

Barking Up Trees said...

yer gay...

Anonymous said...

Dear G,

Yerafroot. I do pledge to be less sophomoric, but this is first posting response, and in the new era of Stern on Sirius, I will thus arrogate my right to express. By the way, the spell check suggested correction for "yerafroot" is "permafrost." Intriguing.

Anonymous said...

French, ewww....